Exercise as Medicine
It is known to mankind that industrial and technological advancements have made a tremendous contribution on our daily living. It saves...
Bilateral deficit
The total force exerted by two limbs is less than the sum of the forces exerted by homonymous muscles when acting alone is known as...
Cross Education
The phenomenon where an ipsilateral strength training intervention increases strength of homologous untrained muscle is called...
Are strength and endurance training responses mutually exclusive?
Strength training (ST) and endurance training (ET) are common modalities used in many sports and are known to alter the protein synthetic...
Qualitative analysis of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: What the science is telling us about the physiological
A quick look on the internet produced a plethora of BJJ related training articles with the overwhelming consensus that a training program...
Female athlete triad
The Female Athlete Triad - An investigation, diagnose and treatment The female Athlete Triad (FAT) is a medical condition usually...
Neural Circuitry
The stretch shortening cycle and the mechanism of counter-movement jumps Counter-movement jumps (CMJ) are performed in many sports and...
Endocrine system and resistance training
The endocrine system is responsible for the release and regulation of hormones during exercise that are responsible for the anabolic and...
Tendinopathy is a common type of overuse injury and it is the main reason for consultation for a musculoskeletal complaint, corresponding...
Exercise and vitamin D
Emerging evidence suggests that vitamin D plays an important role in exercise, health and physical performance. Specifically, it is now...