Roger Brooking, Msc, Sem Pg, CSCS
Sports & Exercise Medicine and Strength & Conditioning
Elite Physical Performance Coaching for Clients Who Want to Build a Lean, Strong, and Athletic Physique
Dietary Program
Are you training hard and still not getting your desired results? Are you tired of feeling run-down and tired because you can’t get your diet on track? Look no further!
We’ll help you set and achieve your health and physique goals following sound nutritional principles. No fad diets, no gimmicks. Our goals are to help you achieve your performance and/or physique related goals, while teaching you the principles of sound nutrition. In the beginning we’ll review your dietary history, and develop meal plans using foods you enjoy helping you achieve your goals. As well, you’ll have a weekly “homework” sessions to teach you the principles going forward. Not only will we help you achieve your goals, but we’ll give you the tools so that you’ll be able to make sound nutritional decisions for yourself in the future.
Our nutrition programs will help you develop a better understanding of your current nutritional intake, identify your nutritional requirements, and provide you with a personalized plan.
Goals of our nutrition plan include:
Identifying your individual nutrition deficiencies
Improving energy levels
Improving your body fat percentage
Speeding recovery from training
To achieve a personal approach, you will meet us for a one-on-one nutrition coaching session to create a plan that supports your nutritional needs, goals and lifestyle. Following the initial consultation, support continues through training program providing continued nutrition education, follow-up evaluations, and support strategies as needs and goals evolve.
We understand your needs as everyone has different goals, schedules, and lives, and we understand that there isn't one nutrition strategy that works for everyone. Together we will work to create a strategy that best fits your goals and lifestyle, creating simple yet effective ways to ensure you're getting the proper nutrition your body needs to perform at your best on a daily basis. Our nutritional plan covers support for training, hydration, and customized supplementation plans to ensure that all aspects of your performance nutrition plan are available to support your goals.